It's Been a Looooooong Time!

We've been busy, busy, busy!

No excuses, just life!  Between managing a full-time job and our home and family, there has been no time to blog.  I think about it often...I even go as far as thinking about what to say.  I just never follow through.  Mostly because I'm too tired to consider organizing my thoughts and actually uploading pictures!  So many things take up my time...not all are good!

Sometimes I feel like all I do is RUN!  I know I'm not any different than any other mother...but it does feel therapeutic to actually type it out!  Let's see...a typical day...wakeup, get ready for work, get Oki ready for school (no small task since she is NOT a morning person), run out the door like a shot heading to work, work (busy, busy, busy), hurry home, pick up kiddos, referee the fight in the backseat while driving home, cook supper while trying to get homework done, laundry, supper, clean kitchen while monitoring bath time, prayers and bedtime, then prepare for tomorrow (clothes, backpacks, lunches), fall into bed exhausted!  Are ya'll as tired as me?  Now, I don't want to give the wrong impression...I love my life, but sometimes it's hectic!  Well, MOST days it is...I know there are lots of women that have a much more difficult time.  I DO have a MARVELOUS husband that helps so much!  He makes my breakfast and coffee EVERY morning and helps with dishes, bathtime supervision and lunches at night.  By the time I throw in some Mommy/Daddy time and Bible reading/study...It seems as though there's just NO time!  Ok...whining is over!  I'm one blessed lady!  Check out our sweet kiddos below:

Let's see...a lot has changed in the 14 months since I blogged (Mainly our children have grown!).  Eli, Max and Oki have completed an entire school year!

Eli- 8th Grade, Max-5th Grade, Oki-1st Grade
First Day Of School 2012/2013

Eli - Last Day 2013
Oki Last Day 2013
Max - Last Day 2013

It's amazing to me that when school starts in August we will have a child in all three schools...OHS, OMS and OES.

Oh well, it's getting late.  Maybe I will post again soon! 


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