Spring Break 2008

Well, we are officially winding down from Spring Break 2008. Not that it was a packed week. We enjoyed a nice relaxing week at home. No daycare or school for us! Oki did go to daycare on Monday for about three hours so that the boys and I could clean a little. Anyone who knows Oki will understand that you can get very little done when she's around. Yep, she's all girl and very high maintenance. Wayne has remarked often that he feels sorry for whoever marries her because he'll have a hard time. :) It's hard not to be spoiled when you are the youngest of three and the only girl...

Overall, I think we had a great week. I had fun sewing, cooking and being at home with the children. Although, to look at my house right now, you would never know that I was home all week!!! Just ask Wayne...

Eli had spend the night company for the first time this week. His friend, Cutter came to spend the night. The boys had a great time playing video games and playing outside. Eli and Cutter were very nice to allow Max to play along with them. Eli also played two ballgames this week. We were so disappointed to lose both of those games. There goes their undefeated record...hopefully, the boys have gained a little character through their disappointment. I had to be careful when cheering on Tuesday night because Eli's team played Cutter's team. Another of his good friends, Ethan, was also on that team. It's very difficult when you are rooting for your own son's team, but want to yell for their friends also. Maybe I'll get it all figured out soon!

Eli, Cutter and Max...Max is always clowning around!!!

I better go and be busy. I have a few more things to do before bed...

If you are looking for something to do this week, we are having revival services at church this week. We are really praying for and expecting God to do wonderful things in the hearts of His people. You can find the details at our website...

I hope you have a blessed week!!!


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