My Wonderful Husband...

I have been tagged by Kristen to answer a few questions about my husband.


1.What is his name? Jerry DeWayne Russell, Jr.

2. Who eats more? It really depends on what we're eating. If he's tired or sick, I definitely eat more, but mostly we eat about the same amount.

3. Who said, "I love you" first? He did.

4. Who is taller? He is by about 7 inches

5. Who is more sensitive? Again, I think it depends on the issue. I am much more emotional, but he has a very sensitive side that most men don't have.

6. Who does the laundry? Mostly, I do. Wayne barely knows how to work the washing machine and dryer. I happen to like it this that if anything gets ruined, I only have myself to blame! He does help fold and put away...

7. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you're looking at it, I do.

8. Who pays the bills? He does!!!! Wahoo! I did it for 9, I don't want to know anything at all about the money except when we have extra to spend!

9. Who cooks more? I do all of that, except for brownies!

10. Who is more stubborn? Me...Definitely!

11. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? Here, it's give and take, but mostly Wayne. I HATE to admit I'm wrong. Wayne says, "You can be right, or you can be happy."

12. Who has more siblings? Me...

13. Who wears the pants in the relationship? Wayne...because I let him...haha! Because God said he is the head of the home...

14. What do you like to do together? Truthfully, we're complete opposites...there's not much we do together that isn't related to the house...As for the rest...It's a secret ;-)

15. Who eats more sweets? We both love sweets...Wayne is a sugarholic...he makes brownies just so he can lick the bowl!!!

16. Guilty Pleasures? I'm not sure if hunting qualifies, but if it does...Hunting is what it would be...

17. How did you meet? In high school, our senior year...through my friend, Haiden.

18. Who asked whom out first? He asked me

19. Who kissed who first? He kissed me

20. Who proposed? He did...when I was 18!

21. His best features and qualities? He has beautiful blue eyes...he has Godly integrity...he's a hard worker...he is a good decision maker and wise beyond his years.

22. Tag you’re it. Who do you tag? Sara, Jana, Carly, Sarah, Bethany and whoever else would like to do it...


Ashley said…
Sounds like a good man!!
GIRL.........YOU ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NICE!!!! I LOVE my goodies you sent in the mail! The little lovie is my new favorite, and Sawyer's shirt will be perfect! That will fit him right now perfect-YOU DID GOOD!!! You are so thoughtful and generous! That wonderful husband of yours has a good one! You totally made my day! :)
Sorry I'm so late on this! I just posted a list of 26 reasons I love Gunter on his birthday, so I might save this idea for later. I don't want the blog to become Gunter-palooza. ;-)

Hope y'all are doing well! Long time, no see!

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