Ball Season

Baseball season is in full swing and with two boys playing, we're at the complex almost every night of the week! Eli is in his second year of little league and he's having a great season. His batting has picked up some and he's made some very nice plays. He plays second base and pitcher. Each night when he is finished playing, I am amazed at how dirty he is. I'm not sure if you can tell from the picture below, but he was grubby dirty! When he got home from practice Saturday, I could hardly see him for all of the dirt. I guess it will just help him grow!

Max is having a great time, too. He is in his first year of Minor League. In typical Max fashion, he's having a ball! He is playing pitcher and loving every minute. His cute little attitude and hyperactivity is so much fun to watch! He's even managed to hit a few homers!

Oki is no fun for me at the ball park since she's such a little busy body, but she loves being there. I've included a few pictures...Hope to have more soon!

Dirty Boy!Max at the plate...and in the dugout...

Believe it or not, she was clean when we got to the ballgame. She "had" to have a ring ended up on her shirt!!!


Ashley said…
Girl, I'm glad to see some other children with a little dirt on them! Mine STAY that way! I feel like it's useless putting Sawyer in a clean shirt! I can only imagine how much fun it is to watch your 2 play ball! I enjoy baseball in general, so I know it's fun watching your sons play! They couldn't be cuter, and sweet oki is a doll-looks JUST like her mama! PLEASE come see us this summer! I'd love it! :)
Kristen said…
Fun, Fun, Fun!!! Baseball is my all time favorite sport and I'm like Ashley, it must be even more fun watching your own play! I can't wait til Jack can play. I guess I'll be his coach since his Daddy's not a ball player! Good to see your sweet children. Let's get together and go to Ashley's one day this summer!
Julie said…
Makes me look forward to those 'ball' days with my boys. Growing up in a family with three brothers, I was always playing the 'boy' sports with them. Before there was a softball league in Andalusia, I played on the Midget League baseball team with my brother, Scotty, and ALL the rest of the boys!!! It didn't bother me what-so-ever. I was still girly, too! :) Fun times, and GREAT memories! JP will be able to play t-ball next year! Can you believe it? Time flies!

That Oki is the cutest thing ever!!!! You should have named her Samantha, Jr. She was carved right out of you!!!!

Precious pictures of all your babies!!

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