We need your help! Wayne and I are thinking about the possibility of purchasing a digital SLR camera. I know a few of my blogging friends have one, so here's a chance to give us some advice on what to buy. Don't worry, we do plan to do our own research...but, we would like to hear from you. Thanks in advance for your input...
I can hardly believe it...Our Okianna Grace turned two on June 16 th . We celebrated her birthday at a family gathering on Father's Day. She had a blast and so did we! If you're wondering about her finger...she swiped some icing before we sang Happy Birthday. This is a picture from her actual "birthday", June 16 th . If anyone had asked me a little over two years ago, I would never have guessed that were about to have a little princess in our lives. My dad was the only one that "knew". When our doctor said, "It's a girl!" Wayne and I really couldn't believe our ears! We were that convinced that we were having a boy; even though , looking back now I see that her pregnancy was completely different from the boys'. She's definitely been a blessing, albeit a quickly moving, demanding, and whiny one, but none the less a precious, angel girl blessing...
I know I'm way past due for an update! There is no excuse, just plain procrastination on my part! Don't get me wrong, I've been busy, too! Anyway, we've not had any real excitement around here since Christmas, but I did want to share a few pictures of my precious ones... Kayla recently brought Oki some tap shoes. She has enjoyed tapping away. I guess we are going to let her take from Mrs. Sellers next year. For months, Eli and Max have been building wooden cars during RAs at church on Wednesday nights. A few weeks ago they got their chance to see how fast their cars were at Ino's Pinewood Derby. Sadly, Max's car didn't win in his division, but we're so happy that Eli's got second place in his division. Since Eli's car will race again, his wasn't available for pictures... These pictures were taken one afternoon recently while the children and Kayla were outside riding the golf cart. When you have older children like our boys, Eli and Max,...
Happy 3rd to your precious little Oki!!!