Oki's New Do!

This afternoon I took all three children to the beauty shop for haircuts. First of all, getting haircuts for all three children in one afternoon is enough to make me want to run away! I can only imagine how Nonnie felt by the time she was done! Between the volume of the T.V. where Eli and Max were being entertained and Oki running around like a complete maniac, I really needed a pill for anxiety! Anyway, I guess all of the trouble was worth it because I now have two very happy boys (they’ve been begging for haircuts for two weeks) and one cute little girl!

As you can see in the picture below, Oki's hair has gotten very long. A few months ago, I began thinking about cutting it for Locks of Love or some other charitable organization. We've been debating about waiting to cut it or going ahead. After talking to Oki about it, she has become very excited about giving her hair to "some little girl who doesn't have any." I've also become quite tired of worrying with all of the trouble of long hair on a three year old. Hence our decision...Cut it now! Nonnie, along with several of my friends, were not at all happy about our decision. I really think Nonnie thought I was going to cry, but I didn't!

Scroll down to see the before and afters...


here goes......


These last ones were taken after her bath...When I was drying it, Oki said, "It's growing!" I guess she heard me telling Nonnie today..."It's just hair, it will grow!"


Kristen said…
Oki has the most beautiful hair I've ever seen- long or short! The haircut is precious! I LOVE IT!!!
Kim B said…
Love it.... It is precious :)

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