...And what a wonderful day it's been to be in the House of the Lord!
As I indicated in my last post, we have had revival services at Ino this week. God definitely showed up! There have been late nights and tired bodies, but every minute of sleep lost and sacrificed time has been worth it.
Jamey Ragle did an outstanding job of putting this conference together. Several of our area sister churches, as well as our association, provided financial assistance and other means of support. It took a lot of planning (this crusade has been several years in the making) to make this happen. We want God to have all of the glory!
Each night, Jamey Ragle spoke, a different person led worship and yet another spoke, too. Jamey is a gifted evangelist who communicates the gospel so well. He incorporates humor into the Word to deliver a truly unforgettable and life changing message of hope. Many lives were changed because of his willingness to share the Gospel this week.

Monday night we heard from Rev. Phil Hoskins who preached a wonderful message of meeting Jesus. He told it from Zacchaeus' point of view. This was in a way unlike I have ever heard before.
Tuesday night Rev. Jr. Hill spoke. I am told that he did an outstanding job, but I was unable to be in the service because I was helping with childcare. I will be viewing the video of the service!!!

Tonight was just unbelievable!!! It was so evident that God was present from the beginning. First, let me say that the music was amazing! The group, Austin's Bridge was there to lead worship for us. These gentlemen won a Dove Award today, yet they were with us in Ino, AL. Even though they were invited to perform at the Awards, they chose to be with us because they had already committed. That's integrity. Their talent and love for the Lord was exemplary. If I am not mistaken there were 59 professions of faith and many rededications tonight. PRAISE GOD! We were also blessed to have Rev. Robert Smith speak to us. He delivered a powerful sermon from 1 John entitled "Groanings to Glory."

No pictures tonight. I just needed to put into words my excitement over what God has done this week.


Ashley said…
I just found your blog! I've loved reading through your posts, and I'm so glad I'll be able to keep up with what's going on with y'all! I miss seeing your sweet face at school! Sounds like an amazing week at church! I loved reading the full report! We move on Tuesday to Enterprise...Glad we'll be able to keep in touch! :)

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